

Chocolate Whey Cake

⏳ Prep Time: 45 minute

26 Mar 2020


Chocolate Whey Cake

Nutritional Overview


898.5 kcal


76.6 gm


92 gm


24.9 gm


1.5 scoop Whey protein

3/4 cup Multigrain Flour

1/3 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

2-2 1/2 tbsp Stevia

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 Cup whole Milk (Can substitute with Almond Milk, may change macros)

3 Eggs (vegetarians Can use yogurt, may change macros)

3 Tbsp Applesauce

1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

For Frosting (Optional, may increase macros): Calorie free chocolate syrup Or Stevia sweetened Dark chocolate Baking chips 55% Cocoa.


Step 1

Preheat oven to degree F.

Step 2

Mix and combine whey protein, multipurpose flour, cocoa powder, stevia & baking soda in a mixing bowl.

Step 3

Mix the wet ingredients in a separate bowl (through Vanilla Extract).

Step 4

Add the wet ingredients in the dry ingredients to a thick batter.

Step 5

Lightly coat/spray with calorie free oil an ” pyrex bowl or cake pan & put the batter.

Step 6

Bake for - minutes until a toothpick or a knife inserted in the cake comes out clean.

Step 7

Set cake aside to cool.

Step 8

(Optional): Pour chocolate syrup and top it with chocolate chips. Or you can melt the chocolate chips and pour it on the cake & enjoy !!!

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