

Turkey Burger

⏳ Prep Time: 20 minute

16 Sep 2019


Turkey Burger

Nutritional Overview


424 kcal


36 gm


16 gm


24 gm


Italian light Hamburger buns - 1 bun

Turkey burger patty - 1 patty

Jalapeno cream hot sauce - 1/2 tbsp

Onion - 30gms

Tomato - 25 gms

American Cheese - 1 slice

Green Kale - 40gms

Salted butter - 1/2 tea spoon



Step 1

Heat a pan grease with butter

Step 2

Place the raw turkey burger patty on the pan

Step 3

Let the patty cook for mins one side and turn it over

Step 4

then put tomato and onions in the same pan on a side so that they can cook in the fat released by turkey patty.

Step 5

cook the patty for mins on other side and place the cheese slice at the end and let it melt on the patty and remove the patty from the pan

Step 6

once the onions and tomatoes are cooked remove them from the pan

Step 7

Heat the burger bun in same pan no oil needed, it will be greasy and has some of the tomato flavor in it.

Step 8

Smear the hot sauce to buns and arrange the burger and enjoy.

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