

Rice Paneer Wraps

⏳ Prep Time: 20 minute

13 Apr 2021


Rice Paneer Wraps

Nutritional Overview


673 kcal


26.6 gm


59.3 gm


36.6 gm


70 gm Rice flour

100 gm Paneer

Vegetables- Onion, Capsicum, carrots, etc


Oregano Seasoning

30 gm Amul Cheesy Sauce

Black Pepper

10gm ghee


Step 1

Dice Paneer and chop vegetables. Peel and Slice Onion, Julienne capsicum and carrot, peel and crush garlic.

Step 2

On a Tawa, keep the flame medium add a bit of ghee and saute paneer with crushed garlic. Thereafter add veggies and put the flame high to roast all of them. Sprinkle black pepper and salt , a little less as per your taste as cheesy sauce will be having some. Once done, take it out in a bowl. Add cheesy sauce and give it a mix and keep aside.

Step 3

Take rice flour and make batter adding salt to it.

Step 4

On the tawa, spread some ghee and pour the batter like dosa and spread it as thin as possible. I kept flame on medium. Cook on both sides till Crispy. Take it out on a plate.

Step 5

Now on the dosa , stuff the filling and fold it like a wrap to give it a shape and enjoy it with any sauce you like .

Step 6

You can variate the quantity of paneer and Rice flour as per your allowance.

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