⏳ Prep Time: 20 minute
20 Mar 2021
360 kcal
15 gm
30 gm
20 gm
1. Milk 500 gm
2. Bread 50 gm
3. Lemon 1 small to make paneer
4. Salt, red chilli powder, chat masala
5. Coriander leaves, green chillies,
6. Butter 5 gm (optional)
Gently Boil the milk. When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the stove. Add squeezed lemon. Give a good stir for minute. . Milk begins to curdle immediately and solids separate from the whey. If it doesn’t, then turn ON the stove and continue to boil till you see the solids separate completely. Note that non-homogenized milk curdles faster. Homogenized milk takes longer to curdle as it is processed for a good shelf life. . Turn off the stove as soon as you see the milk has curdled completely. When the paneer is done correctly you will see the whey being clear and not milky. The color of the whey will be yellowish or green but not milky white.It is important you turn off when it is done. If you continue to cook longer, it becomes hard and grainy. . Place a colander over a large bowl (to collect the strained whey). Layer it with a clean cheese cloth (or muslin cloth). A thin new handkerchief works well too. Transfer all of the curdled milk to the colander. . Squeeze off the excess water. Make a knot and hang this for mins. This helps to drain the excess whey. Paneer should still be moist after draining. . To the crumbed paneer add coriander leaves (chopped) green chili (chopped, optional) tablespoon sauce. I used this HOMEMADE SCHEZWAN SAUCE. You can use any sauce or even chutney. ½ teaspoon chaat masala (or teaspoon lemon juice) Maggi masala . Mix everything well. Taste it and add more salt and spice if you like. I added half a lemon as my sauce wasn’t tangy. Mix up everything well. You can also keep this in the fridge for later use. The following can also be added Chopped tomato Sweet corn Cucumber Onion . The bread can be smeared with options of homemade sauce, thick curd, mayo, green chutney or any other spread depending on what fits your macros. . You can simply butter the bread and fill in the stuffing of paneer then grill the sandwich! Serve hot!
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