

fish paturi ( fish cooked in banana leaves)

⏳ Prep Time: 18 minute

24 Jul 2020


fish paturi ( fish cooked in banana leaves)

Nutritional Overview


271 kcal


20 gm


5 gm


19 gm


Fish 100 grams ( I have used Ravas here but any fish or fish fillet can be used)

Mustard seeds 20 grams

White sesame seeds (10 grams )

Salt , green chilli as per taste , turmeric 1/2 tsp

Lime juice 1 and mustard oil 5 ml

Banana leaves or pumpkin leaves or turmeric leaves for covering and cooking

Fresh coconut 20 grams


Step 1

Grind mustard , chillies , sesame seeds and coconut to smooth paste and add salt , turmeric, lime juice and mustard oil to the paste . Mix it well

Step 2

Now wash and dry banana leaves and rotate it over open flame for sesconds ( leaves become soft )

Step 3

Now put the inner non glossy part facing you and place spoon of masala paste , then fish and then again the masala on top of fish)

Step 4

Fold the leaves from all sides and repeat the same with other piece too

Step 5

Heat any pan , put the wrapped fish over it and cover it . Cook - minutes each side and done

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