

Chipotle Chicken

⏳ Prep Time: 45 minute

23 May 2021


Chipotle Chicken

Nutritional Overview


2242 kcal


403 gm


18 gm


62 gm


Chicken Breast: 1290g

Onion: 120g

Garlic: 10g

Olive Oil (for marination): 1 tbsp

Jeera Powder: 2 tsp or as per taste

Red Pepper (Cayenne or Simple Degi): 1 tbsp or as per taste

Adobo Sauce: 0.5 tbsp (substitute mentioned in last step)

Oregano: 1 tsp

Black Pepper: 1 tsp

Olive Oil Spray: 0.25 tbsp (for cooking)

Salt: 1 tsp (or as per taste)

Chili Flakes: 1 tsp or as per taste


Step 1

Take all ingredients (except Chicken Breast and Olive Oil Spray) into a blender and blend to make a smooth purée.

Step 2

Into a sealed zip lock bag or any flat container, add chicken breasts and pour the purée over them.

Step 3

Mix well to spread the marinade evenly.

Step 4

Put in the fridge to marinate. Marinate for at least hours. I marinated for hours. Overnight generally yields a smooth chicken texture.

Step 5

After marination, heat up baking oven to F.

Step 6

Spray olive oil onto a baking sheet.

Step 7

Line marinated chicken over the sheet evenly and leaving gap between each breast. Don't clutter your sheet.

Step 8

Pour any left over marinade equally over the chicken.

Step 9

Seal with aluminum foil and bake for about - minutes.

Step 10

After baking, take it out carefully.

Step 11

Sometimes the chicken might leave water. Mine did because it was initially frozen and I didn't beat it. It's totally up-to you.

Step 12

Take each breast onto a cutting board and chop into slices with a pizza cutter.

Step 13

Scoop any left over sauce and discard the water from the baking sheet. Some people save the sauce to use as chicken broth later. I didn't have the time to do all that.

Step 14

Transfer the sliced chicken pieces onto the sheet again and again pour the scooped up sauce. If you don't want to do it, save the sauce to use with the chicken while eating.

Step 15

Broil the chicken slices in the oven for about minutes. It will give the chicken a charted texture (like tikka).

Step 16

Transfer to your meal prep containers and enjoy as many servings as you wish. I had breasts, so I got roughly servings. And the final chicken weight after discarding the water etc was about g, if you must know.

Step 17

Adobo Sauce Substitute: Mix tablespoon tomato paste (or if you must – ketchup), tablespoon cider vinegar, teaspoon chipotle powder (or smoked paprika/cayenne powder mix), / teaspoon cumin, a pinch of oregano, a pinch of garlic powder, and a pinch of salt.

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