⏳ Prep Time: 30 minute
07 Aug 2021
722 kcal
47 gm
48 gm
38 gm
Chickpeas pasta
Olive oil
Nutritional yeast
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Plant based protein by Comrade Cluck
Black pepper
) Boil the pasta separately in a vessel and strain it after the pasta is completely boiled. ) In another cooking vessel , add some olive oil . I added more oil . You can add less oil around ml if you want to. )When it starts heating up, add the pasta , add the coleslaw, spinach , mushrooms, edamame and plant protein. )Add onion powder , garlic powder , salt , black pepper , paprika . You can add heather seasoning you want . I added these since I had them readily available. I also added nutritional yeast since it contains good amount of protein. )Stir everything properly so that all the ingredients are mixed together evenly. )Cover the pasta with the lid and cook it for - minutes. You can cook for additional amount of time if you want. After the pasta is ready , serve it and enjoy! 😀
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