

Chicken Sub Sandwich

โณ Prep Time: 10 minute

20 Jan 2021


Chicken Sub Sandwich

Nutritional Overview


925.9 kcal


56.1 gm


136 gm


17.5 gm


100gms boneless chicken ๐Ÿ”

200gms multigrain bread loaf ๐Ÿž

50gms carrots ๐Ÿฅ•

50gms beetroot โค

15gms honey mustard sauce

200gms curd

salt and pepper to taste

1/2 tsp paprika ๐ŸŒถ

1/2 tsp mixed herbs ๐ŸŒฟ

1tbsp ginger and garlic paste


Step 1

Boil and shred the chicken with salt, pepper, ginger and garlic.

Step 2

Place the curd in a fine muslin cloth and hang for around to hrs, to remove the whey. (do not discard, can be used later for smoothies or buttermilk, etc. )

Step 3

Peel and grate the carrot and beetroot.

Step 4

In a mixing bowl, add the shredded chicken, grated carrot & beetroot, salt & pepper, paprika & mixed herbs and hung curd. Mix well to form the stuffing

Step 5

Cut ๐Ÿ”ช the bread loaf length wise.

Step 6

Place the leafy greens, then the chicken stuffing.

Step 7

Drizzle the honey mustard sauce and njoy ๐Ÿ˜‹

Step 8

Plz note.... this recipe makes a huge sub... It was my entire days meal. If u don't find a similar sub, u can use slice bread too to make this sandwich. Make changes according to your macros.

Step 9

For a detailed video plz follow me on insta @fittrnafisa

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