

Cottage Cheese Steak with Garlic Sauce

โณ Prep Time: 60 minute

23 May 2021


Cottage Cheese Steak with Garlic Sauce

Nutritional Overview


436.1 kcal


18.9 gm


17 gm


32.5 gm


Paneer- 100gms

Curd- 10gms

Cornflour- 1gm

Butter- 10gms

Tomato- 50gms

Onion- 30gms

Schezwan Chilli Garlic Sauce- 15gms

Vinegar- 15gms

Paprika powder


Freshly Crushed Pepper

Mixed Herbs


Step 1

For the Marinade: . Cut paneer in whole or small block shape. . In a bowl, add garlic, curd, cornflour, pepper, salt, paprika powder, mixed herbs and butter. . Mix well and add paneer to it and keep it aside and let the paneer soak in the flavors for - mins. . After the marination time, use a grill pan or a griller and make sure that the pan is super hot to avoid the paneer from getting stuck on the pan. For the Garlic Sauce: . Blanch the tomatoes. . In a mixer, add onion, garlic, paprika powder, Schezwan garlic chilli Sauce, and vinegar and blend till smooth, then add the blanched tomato. . Pour the mixture in a sauce pan add salt and stir till it boils. You can sprinkle some mixed herbs for additional flavour. . Place the grilled paneer on a plate and pour the garlic sauce on top. . Serve with Saffron rice or mashed potatoes.

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