

White Sauce Soya

⏳ Prep Time: 30 minute

27 Jun 2022


White Sauce Soya

Nutritional Overview


541 kcal


37 gm


60 gm


17 gm


Soya chunks, mini: 50 gm

Milk: 200 ml

Maida: 20 gm

Ghee: 10 gm

Veggies(any): 200 gm

Spices, as per taste: Salt, black pepper, oregano, chilli flakes


Step 1

Boil mini soya chunks for mins. Drain, squeeze them and keep aside.

Step 2

Take gm of butter and saute diced veggies and keep aside.

Step 3

Add gm butter to a non-stick pan and add gm maida to it and roast for - mins and turn off the flame.

Step 4

Add milk to the pan slowly and carefully, constantly mixing it so that it doesn't form lumps.

Step 5

Turn on the flame; add black pepper, salt and oregano to the prepared white sauce and stir a little.

Step 6

Add sautueed veggies and drained chunks to it, mix well till the sauce gets thick.

Step 7

White Sauce Soya is ready to serve with a dash of chilli flakes on the top.

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