⏳ Prep Time: 20 minute
21 Mar 2021
316.8 kcal
36 gm
18 gm
11.2 gm
Soya chunks 50 gm
Paneer 50 gm
6 Garlic cloves
5 beans
5 ml of oil
Salt and chilli powder half tea spoon
Curry leaves
Small table spoon of garam masala
1 onion
First take a grams of soya chunks and boil in hot water for minutes and strain it and aside take a non stick pan to pan fry the gm panner. Then take a pan add gm of oil, onion, garlic, beans and sort it out for minutes on pan until it turns light brown and then add the strained soya chunks to pan, stir it for to minutes until the water drys out. Then add the half table spoon of salt, chilli powder, garam masala and stir it minutes and at last garnish it with coriander and cut the panner into small cubes and add into the pan. The delicious snacks is ready
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