⏳ Prep Time: 10 minute
17 Jan 2021
455 kcal
37 gm
43 gm
15 gm
Oats - Instant or rolled - 50 grams - Dry roasted
Milk - 100 Ml
Whey - 1 scoop, chocolate preferably.
Almonds - 10 grams
Cinnamon - quarter tsp
In a bowl take roasted oats, milk, scoop whey, cinnamon & almonds.
I usually skip a sweetener because of the sweetness of the whey. Also, I tend to eat it just like that thinking of it as cornflakes haha, but if you heat it and let the oats soak up the milk, that's also a way to consume it.
If you want you can also add bananas, dates or any fruits of your choice to this recipe and it'd just taste amazing!
For more such simple & delicious recipes do follow me on Fittr & on Instagram - @fitcheffaizan
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