⏳ Prep Time: 30 minute
24 Aug 2021
514.2 kcal
42.4 gm
62.3 gm
10.6 gm
50grams of rice 75grams of soya chunks 10g of ghee 1 small bayleaf 1 small cinnamon stick 1 onions 🧅 2/3 cloves Turneric powder Coriander 🌿 leaves for garnishing
Rinse rice / times in water for mins . Rinse soya chunks in hot water for mins . After mins soya chunks will be double in size , drain excess water and rinse to water to get rid of smell .Heat the pan with ghee g in it and lid over it Add slice onion and green chilli sauté until it turns. Transparent . Drain the excess water from soaked rice and add them in pan Add drained soya chunks and turmeric powder mix it very well and sautéed for couple of mins on medium flame 🔥 .Add one spoon of salt and boil it over a medium flame .When it starts to boil reduce flame to low and cook covered for about minutes do not open the lead in between as team will escape and rice will not come properly and become sticky .After minutes turn off flame and keep it over hot stove top for at least minutes now remove the lead and plug the cook rice with fork .Soya chunk Pulao is ready you can serve it in the bowl garnish it with fresh coriander leaves and enjoy
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