⏳ Prep Time: 30 minute
19 Jun 2019
617 kcal
33 gm
47 gm
33 gm
Ingredients:- - 1-litre milk - 2 or 3 tbsp lemon juice - Flavored of your choice, I used to 1 tsp chilli flakes, chopped mint leaves, black pepper crushed. - Any fabric with a fairly weave - Something heavy object to weight - Salt
Method:- - Heat milk to just before it starts to boil. Lower the stove heat. Add the flavours of your choice and salt, stir to combine. - Add the lemon juice, Stir well. The greenish pale whey water will separate from the milk solids, this might take about a few minutes over heat. Once the whey is completely separated turn off the heat. Place a colander or sieve over a bowl and pour the milk mixture into it to separate the milk solids. - Let the paneer sit in the colander till all the water drains away. Empty the contents of the colander on a plate, place another plate on it and press it down with a heavy object. In a while, the paneer will set a block and then be cut into cubes or triangle. - Eat it as it is or use in gravies.
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