

Hand-pulled Noodles with Chilli Garlic Oil

⏳ Prep Time: 2400 minute

06 Jul 2022


Hand-pulled Noodles with Chilli Garlic Oil

Nutritional Overview


492 kcal


10 gm


77 gm


16 gm


*For noodles:

Flour- 100gms

Olive oil – 2gms

Warm water- 35 to 45gms

Salt to taste

*For chilli garlic oil:

Olive Oil- 14gms

Garlic- 5 cloves

Scallions- 1 no.

Chili powder- 1 tsp

Chili flakes- 1 tsp

Soy sauce- 1tsp

Vinegar- 2 tsp

Sesame seeds (optional)- ½ tsp


Step 1

*For noodles:

Step 2

In a bowl add flour, salt, and warm water. Mix everything and kneed it into a ball (make sure to add water in intervals so you do not make sticky dough or add extra water if the dough is too dry).

Step 3

Make a ball and cover the dough with cling wrap and let it rest for - mins.

Step 4

Take the dough and kneed it for a couple of mins. Flatten the dough and roll it to a rectangular shape. Brush it with oil, cover with cling wrap and once again let it rest for mins.

Step 5

Meanwhile bring a pot of water to a boil. Now take the dough and cut it into long rectangular strips.

Step 6

Now, take a strip and stretch it with both the hands (hold it from both the ends and shake it while taking your hands away from each other). Once stretched, immediately put it in the boiling water.

Step 7

Repeat the same step with rest of the strips and boil all of them for - mins (until the noodles starts floating on the top).

Step 8

Once boiled, take them out and place in boil filled with luke warm water (this helps the noodles to remain hot and not stick with each other).

Step 9

*For the Chilli Garlic Oil:

Step 10

In a heat resistant bowl add chili powder, chili flakes, minced/finely chopped garlic and scallion.

Step 11

Heat the olive oil in the pan. Pour the hot oil onto the garlic chili mixture. Mix it all for a minute.

Step 12

Now, add soy sauce, vinegar, salt and sesame seeds (optional) to the oil.

Step 13

Finally drain the water from the noodles and put the noodles in to the chili garlic oil.

Step 14

Give it a good toss and you are good to go (you can add some cucumber juliennes for some freshness).

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