⏳ Prep Time: 2 minute
19 Aug 2023
10.3 kcal
0 gm
1 gm
0.7 gm
servings : 15 glasses mint leaves: 50-100 gm sugar free black salt lemon juice:1 tbsp zero calorie soda
Note: prepare the mint water in large quantity (as given in ingredients) and can store in glass bottle and refrigerate it for almost - weeks. how to make mint water: step : take -gm mint leaves in a pan and boil it for min on sim step : after boiling , remove the pan from the gas and keep it on side covered with a lid for - hours or overnight for the flavour. step : strain the water and store it in a glass bottle . how to make Green Ocean drink 🍷: step : in a glass add tbsp of mint water. step : add sugar free if u like it sweet. step : add tbsp lemon juice step : add some black salt (to get that katta meetha taste) step: now in the end add zero calorie soda in it. Tadaaa , the drink 🍷 is ready 😊 note: for that green colour ...u can add one drop of green food colouring in the mint water.
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