

Falafel Sandwich in whole-wheat Pita

⏳ Prep Time: 25 minute

26 Sep 2020


 Falafel Sandwich in whole-wheat Pita

Nutritional Overview


400.8 kcal


18.1 gm


52.4 gm


13.2 gm


Whole wheat flour: 60g

Soyabean nuggets: 25g

Thick Curd: 30g

Ghee/Oil : 12g

Spinach: 12-15 leaves (optional)

Garlic: 2-3 pods Ginger: 1/2 inch Lemon; 1/4

Salt, Pepper, Paprika

Salad: of choice (tomato, cucumber, onion rings, lettuce, bell peppers)

Nutritional yeast: 1/4 tea spoon

Chilli sauce: 1 tb spoon


Step 1

First we'll do the

Step 2

Falafel: Boil and squeeze out Soyabean nuggets In a grinder add Soyabean + spinach leaves+ garlic + salt + paprika + ginger : grind all of it together and make patties. Shallow fry in about ml oil.

Step 3

Spread/ Dip: Curd + Chiili flakes + salt + lemon + minced garlic + tb spoon chili sauce... mix well. Cut and chop salad of choice.

Step 4

Take the dough (which now has been bloomed to double the size) make a thick tortillas and cook. Either bake @° for - minutes or On tawa cook on low flame like traditional roti (Do not overcook)

Step 5

Sandwich assembly: cut the pita in half and open the pocket spred the dressing and stuff it with choice of salad and falafels. serve warm.

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