⏳ Prep Time: 15 minute
22 Nov 2020
457 kcal
37 gm
21 gm
25 gm
Soya chunks
Olive oil
Pizza seasoning (without any additives)
Chilli powder
Cheese slice
-Chop the veggies total (gm). -Boil Soya Chunks. ( gm). -In a pan take gm olive oil/butter and bring to heat. -Put in the onions and sauté. -When onions turn translucent add the other veggies(capsicum, tomato etc). -Sauté them until they look cooked. - In the simmering veggies add salt and chilli as per taste. -Now add soya chunks and cover them in the pan with the veggies and spices. -Add a cup of water. -Bring to boil. -In the boiling water add two cheese slices. (or as many as your diet allows). -When the cheese melts and a liquidy white sauce can be seen lower the flame and add pizza seasoning as per taste. -Bring the sauce to boil and the thickness(consistency) you want. -Garnish with coriander and some more pizza seasoning. Note : removing some quantities of ingredients if your diet does not allow is fine the end taste will almost be the same and other green veggies can also be used.
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