⏳ Prep Time: 20 minute
16 Dec 2020
361.8 kcal
9.7 gm
57.8 gm
10.2 gm
poha 100 g
peanut 10 g
tomato 67g Or 1 medium size
cabbage 60 g
onion 50 gram Or 1 medium size
10 g oil, 1 tsp fennel seed, 1 chop chilli, salt as per tast , 2 tsp lemon juice turmeric power1/2 tsp garam masala 1 tsp
wash poha first then heat pan and add oil when oil heated add peanut and chilli toss them second then add fennel seed turmeric and garam masala and fry them cecond now add cabbage and toss it second and add tomato and poha now mix it well add salt according to ur tast and mix now turn off flame and add lemon juice and served
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