

Beans Lasagna

⏳ Prep Time: 45 minute

12 Mar 2021


Beans Lasagna

Nutritional Overview


1086 kcal


60.9 gm


117 gm


41.6 gm


75gm Refine flour + Soya flour

250gm Veggies (zuccini, eggplant, capsicum, cauliflower, spinach)(YOU CAN ADD ANY VEGGIES AS PER YOUR CHOICE)

60gm cheese

70gm paneer

150ml milk

20gm stevia

Indian spices and italian seasonings


Step 1

Make a dough from refine and soya flour. Keep aside for -min. Put your oven in preheat. . Cut all veggies. Heat pan add oil gm and add italian spices and veggies soute well. . Take black beans or rajma and boil it. . Crush tomato and onion. Now heat pan add gm butter some italian spices and that puree. stir well and add water. But make sure it should be thick little bit. . Now Heat pan add gm butter, gm corn flour stirl well. then add milk, stevia or sugar and cheese. Stir well untill it become thick paste. . Now divide dough in the size of oven vessel. and roll it like chapati. . Now one bowl add red souce then the lasagna sheet we made and on top add beans, veggies and sprinkle some italian seasoning. Now add crumbled paneer and white souce. Now again cover it with one more lasagna sheet and add all souces and at last cheese. . Now ready to bake so bake it around min. ENJOY AMAZING FOOD WITHIN YOUR MACRONS.

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