⏳ Prep Time: 60 minute
25 Mar 2021
315.7 kcal
38.5 gm
6 gm
15.3 gm
Salmon - 1 fillet
Broccoli - 100 gms
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 tsp
Chilli Powder - 1 tsp
Olive Oil - 4 tsps
Garlic Powder
Lemon Juice
Step - Make a paste of ginger garlic + chili powder + turmeric + salt + lemon juice + tsp of Olive oil Step - Marinate Salmon with this paste for mins Step - Wash the Broccoli with hot water, add garlic powder + salt + tsp of Olive oil and mix it Step - In order to bake, just put the aluminum sheet add tsps on it and spread it. preheat the oven for mins on C Step - Place the salmon and broccoli in the oven abs baked it with C for mins 🙌
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