

Baked Potato Twister

⏳ Prep Time: 30 minute

22 Apr 2021


Baked Potato Twister

Nutritional Overview


264.5 kcal


4 gm


38.5 gm


10.5 gm


200 gms long potatoes 8 gms butter 1 tbsp schezwan Chutney 50 gms curd pizza seasoning salt to taste 2 drops orange red food colour (optional) 2 tsp minced garlic coriander leaves chopped red chilli flakes red chilli powder 1/2 tsp black pepper powder Wooden skewers (Soak them in water


Step 1

) Preheat oven at °© for minutes. Take potatoes, wash properly ,peel them and pierce them in skewer and cut them in spiral with the help of knife. ) Put these prepared skewers in ice cold water for minutes. ) Boil water in broad vessel , put these skewers in this boiling water for minutes. ) Take them out , dry it out on paper towel. ) Melt butter , to that add red chilli flakes , salt, schezwan chutney , tsp minced garlic , pizza seasoning , red orange colour mix and spread this mixture all over potatoes. ) In oven at °© put these skewers for minutes or till its done , timing varies with every oven. ) Take curd without water or take hung curd, add salt, pizza seasoning , minced garlic , black pepper powder and set aside. ) Take roasted potato skewers out of oven , sprinkle red chilli powder, salt pizza seasoning, more if required and serve hot with chilled curd dip.

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