Exercise Videos


Vriksha – asana – The Tree Pose

0 min read


20 Jun 2022




Regular practice of the vriksha-asana improves concentration, balance and coordination. Because the weight of the entire body is balanced on one foot, the muscles of that leg are strengthened and toned as well. Let's look at how it's done: Stand with the feet together and the arms by your sides. This is the starting position.


Step 1

Bend the right leg at the knee, and bring the sole of the right foot as high up the inside of the left thigh as possible

Step 2

Balancing on the left foot, join the palms together and raise your arms above your head

Step 3

Hold the posture while breathing gently through the nostrils for as long as is comfortable

Step 4

Lower the arms and the right leg and return to the the starting position with feet together and arms at the sides

Step 5

Pause for a few moments and repeat on the opposite leg

Step 6

Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions

Step 7

And that's how you do Vriksha – asana

Step 8

Precautions: If you have had a recent leg, knees, or back injury, avoid performing this asana.

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