Exercise Videos


TAB's Level 3 - Alternate leg raise

0 min read


30 Nov 2022




Lie down on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. This is the starting position.


Step 1

Engage trunk muscles to stiffen the spine

Step 2

Now, exhale and draw the belly button towards your spine

Step 3

Keep the tension in the lower abdomen

Step 4

Now, lift one leg up at 90 degrees, followed by the other and point the toes forward

Step 5

Pause and bring the feet back to the starting position while maintaining the abdominal setting

Step 6

Dont arch the back

Step 7

Do not lift the rib cage or arch the back

Step 8

Your shoulders should stay relaxed

Step 9

Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

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