Exercise Videos


Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutations

0 min read


03 Jan 2023




Sun salutations help you balance between the right and left sides of the brain. This brings you more emotional stability and increases your creativity and mental capacity. A nice-glowing skin is a result of good blood circulation, good digestion, relaxation and good sleep. Let’s look at the poses:


Step 1

Prayer pose/Pranamasana: Stand straight, bring your feet together Bring your palms together in front of your chest Breathe normally

Step 2

Standing Back Arch/Hasta Uttanasana: Inhale and raise both the arms up above the head Bend your head, arms and torso slightly backward Look up

Step 3

Forward Bend/Padahastasana: Exhale and bend forward through the hips Touch the floor or your toes with your fingers or palms Try to bring the forehead as close to the knees as is comfortable Do not strain yourself, keep the knees straight

Step 4

Lunge/Ashva Sanchalanasana: Place your palms on the floor beside the feet, keep the arms straight Inhale and bring your left leg back, drop your left knee on the floor and bend your right knee In the final posture, the left foot, both hands, left knee and toes support the body The back is slightly arched and the head faces forward Look upwards

Step 5

Plank Pose/Kumbhakasana: From the ashva sanchalanasana, bring your right leg back, straighten your knees and hands Drop the hips until the body forms a straight line from the top of your head to your heels Focus your gaze on a fixed point in the front

Step 6

Ashtanga Pose/Ashtanga namaskar: Exhale and from the Plank Pose, lower your knees, chest and chin on the floor The feet will come up on to the toes In the final position only the toes, knees, chest, hands and chin (8 parts of the body) should touch the floor The hips and abdomen should be raised

Step 7

Cobra Pose/Bhujangasana: Inhale, keep your hands beside your chest and slide the chest forward and raise the head first, then the shoulders, and then straighten the elbows Arch the back into the Cobra Pose This will lower the hips to the floor Bend the head back and look upward

Step 8

Downward Facing Dog Pose/Shvanasana: Hold the breath, raise your hips up and lower the head between the arms so that the back and legs form two sides of a triangle Keep the knees and arms straight Push the heels towards the floor and head towards the floor

Step 9

Lunge/Ashva Sanchalanasana: Hold the breath and from the Downward Facing Dog, lean forward and bring your left leg forward Place your palms on the floor beside the left foot, keep the arms straight Drop your right knee on the floor and bend your left knee The back is slightly arched and the head faces forward Look upwards

Step 10

Forward Bend/Padahastasana: Exhale and from the Ashwa sanchalanasana or low lunge, bring your right leg forward Straighten your legs Bend forward from the hips and touch the floor with your fingers or palms Bring the forehead as close to the knees as is comfortable Do not strain, keep the knees straight

Step 11

Standing Back Arch/Hasta Uttanasana: Inhale and raise both the arms up above the head Bend your head, arms and torso slightly backward Look up

Step 12

Prayer Pose/Pranamasana: Exhale and release your hands, bring the palms together on the chest Stand straight with your feet together

Step 13

This is one full round of Sun Salutation.The usual number of repetitions is 12, Repeat for the desired number of repetitions

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