Exercise Videos


Niralamba Shirshasana/ Unsupported headstand pose

0 min read


16 Oct 2018




This asana Stimulates vitality and health, Calms the mind, boosts mental clarity and Relieves stress. Let's look at how it's done: Sit down on the knees and Place the crown of the head on the floor/mat between your hands. Place the arms in front of the chest and place the hands flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Straighten the legs, allowing the weight of the body to be supported by the hands, feet, and head.


Step 1

Now, by Applying pressure on the hands, slowly bend the legs and raise the feet off the floor, bringing the knees to the chest

Step 2

Slowly raise the knees until they point upward

Step 3

Maintain balance in this position for a few moments

Step 4

Gradually straighten the knees until the feet point upwards in a relaxed position

Step 5

In the final pose the whole body is vertical and, ideally, all the weight of the body is supported by the head

Step 6

The hands should only provide balance

Step 7

Hold the final pose for as long as is comfortable

Step 8

Then, slowly Return to the starting position

Step 9

Lower the body in the reverse order until the feet touch the floor

Step 10

Place the hands beside the head and bend the knees to the floor

Step 11

Relax with the head on the floor for a short time

Step 12

And that's how you do Niralamba Shirshasana.

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