0 min read
20 Jun 2022
This posture stretches the arms, upper back, chest and the sides of the chest and abdomen. Let's look at how it's done: Sit in a crossed-leg position, right leg over left. Bring the left heel as close to the perineum as possible. The right knee should be directly on top of the left knee.
Inhale slowly and raise the right hand over the head and bend the right elbow
Reach behind the back with the left hand and clasp the fingers of both hands (forming an s shaped lock)
If you are unable to lock the fingers behind the back you may grasp one end of a small piece of cloth in the right hand and the other end of the cloth in the left hand
Hold the posture as long as you comfortably can
Exhale slowly and then repeat the posture reversing the arms and legs
And that's how you do Gomukha – asana
Precautions: Avoid if you have shoulder injury or pain in thighs, hip, knee, shoulder, hands or legs.
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