Exercise Videos


Gomukha - asana - The Cow face Pose

0 min read


20 Jun 2022




This posture stretches the arms, upper back, chest and the sides of the chest and abdomen. Let's look at how it's done: Sit in a crossed-leg position, right leg over left. Bring the left heel as close to the perineum as possible. The right knee should be directly on top of the left knee.


Step 1

Inhale slowly and raise the right hand over the head and bend the right elbow

Step 2

Reach behind the back with the left hand and clasp the fingers of both hands (forming an s shaped lock)

Step 3

If you are unable to lock the fingers behind the back you may grasp one end of a small piece of cloth in the right hand and the other end of the cloth in the left hand

Step 4

Hold the posture as long as you comfortably can

Step 5

Exhale slowly and then repeat the posture reversing the arms and legs

Step 6

And that's how you do Gomukha – asana

Step 7

Precautions: Avoid if you have shoulder injury or pain in thighs, hip, knee, shoulder, hands or legs.

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