0 min read
20 Jun 2022
The practice of Benu Bird Pose helps to stretch the hips, inner thighs, hamstrings, lower back, and abdominal muscles. It also opens the shoulders and the chest. Let's look at it.
Begin the practice seated in Vajrasana keeping the back straight
Inhale, extend the right knee towards the side, in line with the hips and lift the heel, pressing the toes firmly on the ground
Stretch the other leg out to the side and place the sole of the foot on ground with toes pointing forward
Exhale and maintain the balance
Shift the left hips to avoid pressure on the left ankle
Inhale, stretch the arms back and towards the side at shoulder level, parallel to the ground, with the palms facing down
Lift the torso upwards, pull the belly in and come in a forward bend, lifting from the hips
Stretch the spine forward, coming parallel to the ground with the chest and shoulders, and throw the arms outwards and backwards
Stay here for about 3-4 breaths
To release, inhale looking up, and slowly raising the chest, abdomen, hips up and to come, and exhale to bring the leg back to the centre and sit in Vajrasana
Repeat the same from the other side
And that's how you do a Benu bird pose
Precautions: People suffering from an injury to the ankles, knees, hips, hamstrings, pelvic floor muscles, shoulders, lower back, neck, rib cage, etc
should avoid this pose
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