Exercise Videos


Ardha Matsyendrasana/ Half Lord of The Fish Pose

0 min read


16 Oct 2018




Ardha Matsyendrasana strengthens and tones your obliques and abs and also energizes and stretches the spine. Let's look at how it's done: Sit with the legs stretched out in front of the body. This is the starting position.


Step 1

Bend the right leg and place the right foot flat on the floor on the outside of the left knee

Step 2

Raise your left hand and touch the toes of your right leg from the outside of the right knee

Step 3

Place your right hand behind the back, twist and look back in the direction of the right shoulder

Step 4

Hold for as long as you can

Step 5

Relax and come to the starting position

Step 6

Repeat on the other side by bending the left leg

Step 7

And that's how you do Arda Matsyenasana

Step 8

Precautions: Do not practice this asana if you have any back or spine injury, or any peptic ulcers or hernia

Step 9

You should not practice this asana if you have undergone any abdominal, brain or heart surgery

Step 10

Avoid practicing this asana during pregnancy and menstruation as it gives a strong twist to your stomach.

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