0 min read
20 Jun 2022
This pose strengthens your legs and builds up the core muscles and also improves concentration. Let's look at how it's done: Sit on the floor with your legs together and extended straight out in the front. Keep the back straight, Place the hands, palms down, flat on top of the thighs.
Inhale deeply, then exhale and reach down and loop the forefinger of the right hand around the big toe of the right foot and grasp the left foot with the left hand
Inhale and pull the right foot back by trying to bring the big toe next to the right ear
Straighten the back as much as possible and hold the posture for the duration of your inhalation
Then exhale and return to the starting position Then repeat the posture on the opposite side
And that's how you do the Akarna-Dhanura-asana
Precautions: People suffering from any spinal injuries must not perform this asana.
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