How to build muscle
Building or retaining muscle is something that is considered a luxury by the human body, as it is not necessary for the survival of the human body. So, in order for us to induce muscle growth, we need to provide our body with three things to the body (i) stress or stimulus, (ii) adequate recovery from stress, and (iii) proper nourishment to overcome stress and build muscle.
Just for better understanding, stress here means progressive workouts at a good intensity preferably resistance training, recovery means proper rest, sleep, and a mentally stress-free environment, and lastly, nourishment means providing sufficient intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, especially protein and important amino acids like leucine, isoleucine, and valine, etc.
Taking care of the above triad will ensure that we keep experiencing muscle growth till the time we move closer and closer to our genetic potential.
What are dietary supplements?
Supplements __ are manufactured products intended to supplement the human body with various macronutrients and micronutrients. Examples, of supplements, can be whey protein shakes, multivitamins , etc.
Due to the ever-changing nature of the human lifestyle, limitations in terms of availability of food in geographies, and varied dietary preferences, supplements can be great tools to full fill the dietary gaps for health and fitness needs.
However, supplements cannot replace the wholesome diet due to many reasons, some of them being (i) supplements are expensive when compared to foods, (ii) single food sources provide multiple nutrients, very rarely it happens to incase of supplements, and (iii) foods helps us feel full and keep us hunger-free, which cannot be the case of supplements as they are mainly available in form of powders, pills, capsules liquids, and tablets, etc.
Are supplements compulsory
As we now know by now, the human body is more concerned about the nutrients, whether they have come from food or supplements, it won't affect muscle growth at least from a physiological perspective. so, there are no magical supplements that are a compulsion when it comes to gaining muscles. however, supplements like whey protein and creatine, which are well researched and if they fit into our budget, might be of great use if we are missing out on any nutrients or just for the sake of convenience.